Un'attrazione da non perdere, a Zurigo, è lo zoo. Molte specie di animali, tra cui elefanti (da poco sistemati in una nuova e ampia struttura), rinoceronti, pinguini - bello assistere alla marcia dei pinguini in mezzo alle persone, nei mesi invernali, tutti i giorni alle 13.30 - solo per citarne alcuni. Nello zoo ci sono anche diversi ristoranti e caffè e molte zone gioco per i bambini. Da non perdere!
The zoo is an attraction not to lose in Zurich. Many species of animals, like elephants (lately they stay in a new big space), rhinos, penguins - beautiful to see the penguins march between people in winter time, every day at 13.30 - only to mention some. In the zoo there are also nice restaurants and cafès and many recreation grounds for children. Not to lose!
The zoo is an attraction not to lose in Zurich. Many species of animals, like elephants (lately they stay in a new big space), rhinos, penguins - beautiful to see the penguins march between people in winter time, every day at 13.30 - only to mention some. In the zoo there are also nice restaurants and cafès and many recreation grounds for children. Not to lose!
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